March Newsletter and Concert information:
I can’t believe that our March concerts are next week already. We have two concerts coming up, and a busy couple of weeks to prepare.

Today we were visited by Mr. Jason Heath who worked with all of the orchestras today. Mr. Heath has the popular Contrabass Conversations podcast and travels the country talking about the bass and directing orchestras. We were lucky to have him stop by.
Please continue reading for more information about the upcoming concerts:
Tuesday, March 12th concert- 7:00 in the PAC:
Concert Orchestra:
Call time is 5:40 for rehearsal. Please come dressed and we will also take a picture for the yearbook at that time. Call times are the time that the rehearsal will start. Students not in their seats and ready to perform will be marked down on the summative concert attendance grade.
Symphony Orchestra: Call time at 6:30
Trying to get the right mix of students bringing snacks here is what we are going to try, Snacks for Juniors and Seniors this concert:
Violin, Viola and bass: A snack or treat
Cello: Water or juice
Please follow dress code as outlined in the handbook. Boys must show up in black pants, tux shirt, black shoes, and socks. We will distribute tux jackets and bow ties before the concert
Girls wear solid black: Girls have the freedom to choose their apparel as long as sleeves extend below the elbow and skirts or slacks to the ankle, and the midriff must not show while standing or sitting. This may be a long-sleeve all black dress or black blouse or sweater and ankle-length skirt. Full black slacks are also appropriate, and encouraged for cello players. Girls must also wear black closed-toe dress shoes (not more than 2” heel) and black stockings or hose.
There is a bust week this week and next as we finish of the Sinfonietta Season. There are two performances left as well as an extend rehearsal on Friday. The schedule is as follows:
3/5- Normal rehearsal
3/8- Extended rehearsal 3:30-5:30- special guest clinician, Mr. Fawkes
3/12- Perform Tchaikovsky at the orchestra concert
3/16- 5:00 dress rehearsal
6:00 concert at the PDC- Mozart, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky and potentially chamber ensembles ready to perform.
Sinfonietta parents, please sign up to bring something for the refreshments at the end if you have not done so already
Bear Strings:
We are doing the first ever Bear Strings tour to the elementary on Wednesday, March 20th. Please have the permission slip returned by Friday, March 8th.
I want to make sure that all Bear String performers have the joint MS and HS concert at MSN in the calendar for April 16th. More information to come!
Solo and Ensemble:
Solo and Ensemble will be held on Monday, March 18th. I will have an official schedule out to everybody in the next day or two. Please remember that Symphony Orchestra chamber ensembles are free, however all other entries must pay $10 for solos and $15 for ensembles to Mrs. McLeod in the bookkeeper’s office before you can participate.
Auditions for Symphony Orchestra:
Auditions for Symphony will be held next week. Students will perform there auditions during class after the week of the concert. I would encourage students to stop in and do a demo audition this week. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Some other big events from the month of February:

On February 13th Sinfonietta performed at the Norther Illinois University Orchestra Clinic. It was a great day with performances from area schools, the Avalon String Quartet and even a masterclass, where Olivia performed some Bach and received some comments.
On February 20th, Dr. Allan Dennis from Midwest Young Artists- No pictures, but it was a great time!

On Saturday, February 23rd, Symphony Orchestra traveled to the University of Illinois to perform for the orchestra clinic. We received great comments from the two renowned clinicians and really had a fantastic experience overall.
As always, thank you to everybody for all of your support of the orchestra program. I look forward to seeing everybody at the concerts coming up.