December Newsletter:
I can’t believe that we are already a little more than a week out of the concert. We have some important dates coming up. Please look through for all of the information for the upcoming week.
A special reminder for symphony students, there is a mandatory rehearsal on Wednesday, 12/5 from 7-9 in the orchestra room.

Alex Kisiel and Andrew Orals were accepted into the ILMEA All-State. I look forward to hearing them with the orchestra in Peoria in January.
Congrats as well to Alex Kisiel for winning the 2018-2019 LZHS Concerto Competition. He will be performing the Grieg Piano Concerto on the May concert. Thank you as well to HOPE for sponsoring our second judge for the event.

Please also see the link below for a video from the Concert Choir performance with Sinfonietta at Orchestra Hall last night.
Concert information:
The orchestra department is participating on several concerts December. All orchestra students are performing on the Winter Orchestra Concert on Thursday, December 13 at 7:00 in the PAC. It is a required performance as part of the orchestra classes.
Concert Orchestra: Students must be on stage to rehearse at 5:30. It is important that students are at the dress rehearsal, in their seat, and ready to play at 5:30 It is important that we are ready to play for a call time. I would suggest arriving at least 15 minutes before the call time to ensure that everybody is set and ready to go for the performance.
Symphony Orchestra: Students must be dressed, and on the stage by 6:20 to rehearse Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire. Please make sure you are here and ready to go by 6:20. Students should plan an appropriate amount of time to get their instrument out and ready to go for the performance.
Concert Dress: Please follow dress code as outlined in the handbook.
Boys must show up in black pants, tux shirt, black shoes, and socks. We will distribute tux jackets and bow ties before the concert.
Girls wear solid black: Girls have the freedom to choose their apparel as long as sleeves extend below the elbow and skirts or slacks to the ankle, and the midriff must not show while standing or sitting. This may be a long-sleeve all black dress or black blouse or sweater and ankle-length skirt. Full black slacks are also appropriate, and encouraged for cello players. Girls must also wear black closed-toe dress shoes (not more than 2” heel) and black stockings or hose.
Trying to get the right mix of students bringing snacks here is what we are going to try, Snacks for Freshman and Sophomores this concert:
Violin, Viola and bass: A snack or treat
Cello: Water or juice
Bear Strings performance:
Bear Strings:
On 12/19 there will be a dress rehearsal starting at 5:00 for the 7:00 concert. Pizza will be provided. Please wear a “ugly sweater” for the performance.
I think there was an error on the schedule I sent out in December. Please see the calendar for the official performance times for Sinfonietta:
December 2017
11 Rehearsal 3:20-4:30
12 Choir Concert- 7:00- Choir pieces
13 Orchestra Concert 7:00- Mozart Dissonance
14 Gig at Echo- 5-7th period
18 Rehearsal 3:20-4:30
Thank you again for a great performance last night. I look forward to hearing everybody at the upcoming concerts.
HOPE News:
Please join us for our HOPE meeting tonight at 6:30 in the orchestra room!
As always, thank you for your support of the orchestra program at LZHS. I look forward to seeing all of you at our concerts in the next couple of weeks.